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Monday, November 28, 2011

Steam Train: Los Angeles November 29, 2011

Gone are the days when sights like these we took for granted; thinking they would always be there, forever.  

Now, I'm inspired, to get up a full Head of Steam, and take on the day, before it gets away.

Monday, November 14, 2011

High Flight November 14, 2011

Memorial Flight, Santa Barbara California, Veteran's Day 2011
Formation of WWII Aircraft; a B-25 Mitchell, being escorted by four Yaks above State Street.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cars Come to Carpinteria October 3, 2011

I didn't quite know what to make of this characature but someone attempted to animate this old pickup truck nearby my house.

Charles Hawthorne use to tell his students, "It is a higher art to take something ugly and make something beautiful out of it.

Whomever decorated this truck didn't hear those words of wisdom. In fact they went the opposite  direction; taking something cool and creating something ugly out of it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Anthropomorphism in Downtown Los Angeles Sept. 26, 2011

Three amigos,
Three musketeers, 
Three Stooges
Three's a crowd.
Atrophied together- their silence is loud.
Growing old; decrepit, hunching and bowed.
Nothing much left of what once was so proud.
Turn out the lights and cover with shroud.